Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Half of U.S. adults own a smartphone or a tablet

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Source: http://news.yahoo.com/half-u-adults-own-smartphone-tablet-233047619.html

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Monday, October 1, 2012

B&N makes the Nook Simple Touch with GlowLight's $20 price drop official

The Nook's $20 price drop is more than the whim of a few major retailers -- it's Barnes & Noble's new MSRP. Following Walmart and Target's recent discounts, the company's own website is now listing the glowing e-reader at its new $119 price. The reduction is almost assuredly in preparation for Amazon's Kindle Paperwhite, as B&N's announcement makes a point of bragging about the Simple Touch with Glowlight's included AC adapter and aversion to built-in ads. See the punchy press release for yourself after the break.

Continue reading B&N makes the Nook Simple Touch with GlowLight's $20 price drop official

B&N makes the Nook Simple Touch with GlowLight's $20 price drop official originally appeared on Engadget on Sun, 30 Sep 2012 13:11:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Source: http://www.engadget.com/2012/09/30/bandn-makes-the-nook-simple-touch-with-glowlights-20-price-drop/

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How can I fix my iPhone 3g 4.2.1? Tried to jailbreak with redsn0w and now it's having troubles.

I just got my first smart phone (iPhone 3g 4.2.1) and wanted to use it on StraightTalk.

I read that in order to unlock the phone for carriers besides AT&T, I had to raise the phone's baseband to the iPad baseband. I was following the instructions on this site, and it said installing the iPad baseband was "currently the only way to unlock 05.14 and 05.15 basebands". That may have changed since then.

That didn't work, and I tried (to no avail) to restore it with iTunes. I ended up stuck with the "Connect USB to iTunes" screen. I looked for help on Reddit, and followed this advice:

Either download the 4.2.1 ispw file for iPhone 3G or locate the ispw file inside your iTunes and place it on your desktop.

Got it (iPhone1,2_4.2.1_8C148_Restore.ipsw). It takes a long time to download, but isn't hard to find.

Now try and get your iPhone into dfu.

I was stuck in the "Connect to iTunes" page, but this guide helped me get into DFU mode (or so I thought)

Once in dfu open the newest version of redsn0w.

Got redsn0w 0.9.14b2 (OSX) from iphone-dev

Once open click extras,then select ispw. Choose the ispw 4.2.1 on your desk top. Now a pop up will state resn0w will use the 4.2.1 for the remainder.

So far so good!

Select back,then jailbreak. Since you are already in dfu it should skip the step where it shows you how to do it. Now this should get you out of recovery.

Since I heard there was no need to upgrade to iPad baseband, I selected "Downgrade from iPad baseband". Apparently I wasn't in DFU mode, since it gave me steps to enter DFU mode... dangit.

Screen flashed white, then said "Downloading Jailbreak Data?", and a lot of terminal readout showed up on the screen. Now a running pineapple showed up with a status bar under it. Now it's stuck on the apple logo screen, and has been for several minutes. After being stuck about 2 hours, I turned it off, tried to turn it on, and got stuck with the apple logo screen.

Also, the person on Reddit said I didn't need to unlock the iPhone to use it with Straight Talk. Is that true? I talked to some Straight Talk people in a store, and they said I couldn't use iPhone with them, and everything I read said I had to unlock it.

So now, I beseech you for your help

The most my phone will do is show an apple logo when it powers on. iTunes doesn't register that it's plugged in. Por favor help; what should I do?

Source: http://www.jailbreakqa.com/questions/121449/how-can-i-fix-my-iphone-3g-421-tried-to-jailbreak-with-redsn0w-and-now-its-having-troubles

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Speciality Recipes From My(e) Kitchen.: Paneer Pasta Recipe.

I'm very fond of eating pasta and I try lots of Indian Pasta versions to suit my family's taste buds. This Spicy Paneer Pasta is my family's favorite, pasta with spicy paneer sauce?blends?well and makes a delicious pasta meal. I had used minimal ingredients to prepare this Indian style pasta in few mins with delicious taste.


Pasta- 340gms(1 box) ( I used rainbow?rotini pasta)

Paneer- 250gms( Indian cottage cheese)

Onion large sliced- 1no

Tomato medium chopped- 3nos

Garlic cloves sliced- 4nos

Ginger and Garlic paste- 1tbsp

Red chilli powder- 1tsp + 1tsp

Everest Tandoori powder or Garam masala powder- 1tbsp

Coriander powder- 1tbsp

Salt to taste

Oil- 4 tbsp

Chopped coriander leaves and finely chopped tomato to garnish.


Cut the paneer into bite size pieces. In a small bowl mix ginger and garlic paste, tandoori masala powder, 1 tsp red chilli powder and 1/2 tsp salt. Marinate the paneer cubes in the prepared masala for 5 mins. By the time cook the pasta till al dente( firm) with little salt as per box instructions.?

Heat 2 tbsp oil in a pan when hot fry the marinated paneer pieces until slightly browned. Drain the roasted paneer pieces and set aside. In the same pan add 2 tbsp more oil, add the sliced onion and garlic fry on medium heat until onion turn brown. Now add the chopped tomatoes, 1 tsp red chilli powder, coriander powder and saute till tomatoes are cooked and tender. Add the fried paneer cubes to the tomatoes and add 1 tsp salt and few tbsp water. Cook for few mins until slight gravy is formed. Add the cooked pasta to paneer gravy and toss well without breaking paneer cubes. Finally add chopped coriander and chopped tomatoes. Toss well pasta again and serve hot.

Source: http://myerecipecorner.blogspot.com/2012/10/paneer-pasta-recipe_4375.html

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